Tunisian health ministry denounces female genital mutilation

In response to recent controversial comments by visiting Egyptian cleric Wajdi Ghonim, the Tunisian Ministry of Health on Wednesday (February 15th) issued a statement against the practice of female genital mutilation, Tunisia Live reported. The ministry also urged doctors to refuse to administer the treatment if requested.

The group “Kolna Tunis” on Tuesday lodged a complaint against the preacher. The Tunisian attorney group said that that during recent speeches at mosques in Sousse and Mehdia, Ghonim had “incited hatred and violence, including against other religions, and called for polygamy, despite its prohibition by the country’s personal status code”. The group also said that Gnonim defended female genital mutilation, also known as FGM or female circumcision.

Ghonim has said that practice should be considered as a form of “cosmetic surgery”.

Ghonim’s visit to Tunisia was organised by the Dar el-Hadith Academy, al-Forqan Association for Teaching the Qur’an, and the Basha’ir el-Kheir Organisation

Source – Magharebia