SOMOSGAY Launches New Campaign On LGBT Human Rights

SOMOSGAY and “Diversa” Network, with support from the European Union and Fundación Triángulo (Spain), will launch on December 10th a new campaign called “Paraguay With Rights, Human Paraguay” in commemoration of the International Day of Human Rights. This campaign aims to place the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a political priority, with the prospect of creating a culture of protection of the human dignity.

This campaign seeks to promote, both individually and collectively, the full exercise of human rights, mobilizing people and their communities, so that each and everyone can become advocates. Also, the idea is to contribute to realizing the principles of equality, freedom and inclusion, underlying the National Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay and several international treaties that the Paraguayan State has signed and ratified, but which has yet to fulfil.

The campaign aims to strengthen an inclusive and full democracy in the country, which must have a strategy based on the recognition of diversity in society and the application of the principles of equality, non-discrimination and full exercise of human rights.

Anyone can be a human rights advocate, and strive to promote, either from settled intergovernmental organizations in major cities around the world and up to people who work in their local communities.

Human Rights are the substrate upon our Paraguayan society must be based on, in order to change the history of violence and conflict. This campaign seeks to promote the true importance of knowing about them and use them as instruments of protection for everyone.

As an organization, we recognize ourselves as heirs of the Guarani people, marked by their fight against oppression, inequality and violence. In our path towards the Yvy Marane’y (the land without evil), paradise on Earth, a society where we all Paraguayans can live inclusively, equally and with full dignity, we believe that human rights not only delineate patterns and behavior concepts to follow, either individually and socially, but they mark a genuine basis on how the rest of our rights must be structured.

View original article here

Source – MSM Global Forum