Mexico, Central America

LGBT rights in Mexico have expanded in recent years, in keeping with worldwide legal trends. Homosexuality has been legal since the adoption of the French Penal Code during occupation during 1862-1867. Until 1998, laws against public immorality or indecency could be used against homosexual acts. The Mexican Constitution was amended in 2001 to prohibit discrimination based, between other factors, on sexual orientation. A federal anti-discrimination law to protect sexual minorities was passed in 2003. The law also created a National Council to enforce the law. Otherwise, political parties tend to ignore LGBT rights issues, and few LGBT Mexicans run for public office. The age of consent is 18. In November 2006, civil unions (Sociedad de Convivencia) were legalized in Mexico City for same-sex and different-sex couples, offering almost the same legal rights as marriage within its city limits, minus adoption rights. The states of Colima, Michoacán, Jalisco, Guerrero, State of Mexico, Puebla and Veracruz are also considering similar laws. Gay life thrives in Mexico in its large cities and resorts. The center of the gay community in Mexico City is the Zona Rosa, near the city center. Puerto Vallarta, Monterrey, Tijuana and Guadalajara are large cosmopolitan cities that have a growing gay scene. However, the situation outside of these centers tends to be more homophobic.



Gay Mexico News & Reports 2011

1 México se encamina hacia una Constitución más tolerante con los gays 3/11 2 Conapred dice que no aumentó la homofobia en los últimos cinco años 4/11 3 Mexican gay rights campaigner murdered 5/11 4 Mexican gay rights campaigner murdered 5/11 5 Mexican LGBT center helps with HIV work 6/11 6 Condemnation of the Murder… Read more »

Gay Mexico News & Reports 2009-10

1 Same-sex union sets precedent in Mexico City’s most countrified corner 1/09 2 Clarification of Statement on Homosexuality 1/09 3 What’sNew in…Puerto Vallarta 3/09 4 Mexico sees rare, openly gay mayoral candidate 3/09 5 Gay resort owner fights negative news about Mexico 4/09 6 Mexico: Homophobic cell-phone store ad 4/09 7 In macho culture, gays… Read more »

Gay Mexico News & Reports 2007-08

1 Mexican state near Texas passes gay union law 1/07 2 Gay Man From Mexico Wins U.S. Asylum 1/07 3 Transgendered in Coahuila 1/07 4 Lesbians form Mexico’s first gay civil union 2/07 5 Mexican singer breaks gay taboo 3/07 6 New law propels gay rights in Mexico 3/07 7 In Mexico, gay couples ready… Read more »

Gay Mexico News & Reports 2004-06

1 Mexico’s gays, lesbians trying to win rights 1/04 2 Macho Mexico lets its hair down in Zona Rosa 2/04 3 Rainbow Beach Towels on Mexican Sand in Puerto Vallarta 5/04 4 Destination Mexico–Cancún proving it can woo gay travelers too 6/04 5 Mexico May OK Conjugal Visits for Gays 9/04 6 Gay Caballeros Inside… Read more »

Gay Mexico News & Reports 2000-03

1 Violence and Harassment Persist As Mexico Learns to Accept Gays 11/00 2 Conservatives and Liberals Battle Over Gay Issues 12/00 3 Same-sex struggle: Gays in Mexico Push for Social Benefits 2/01 4 In Mexico, a mass gay wedding 2/01 5 ‘Newlyweds’ Urge Mexico to Accept Gay Unions 2/02 6 Mexican gays urge marriage right… Read more »