



Gays, lesbians take to streets today

Outlaw age, HIV and sexual discrimination! That’s the message to legislators which T&T’s gay community will “parade” through Port-of-Spain today when they will stage their second annual commemorative walk against homophobia and transphobia. The walk will particularly urge Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) members and parliamentarians to outlaw age, HIV and sexual-orientation discrimination. “The goal of… Read more »

Revolutionizing gender: Mariela Castro MS, director, National Sex Education Center, Cuba. Interview by Gail Reed.

Abstract Medicine, social conditions, culture and politics are inextricably bound as determinants of health and wellbeing. In Cuba, perhaps this is nowhere more evident than in the arduous struggle to consider non-discriminatory analysis of gender-sensitive components as fundamental to population health, medical practice and research; national policy; and above all, public consciousness. Among the standard-bearers… Read more »

Rights Activist Deplores Antigua’s Vote Against Gay UN Resolution

What’s in the news down at the Antigua Observer today related to gay people? An article about one courageous person pushing the government to step up to the plate and recognize gay rights equal human rights: Human Rights Activist Sir Clare Roberts has told government it should have taken the lead in the local fight… Read more »

The right to health care for transsexual people in Cuba.

Source – National Sex Education Center, Havana, Cuba. Abstract Gender identity is a sociocultural construct based (in nearly every society) on a binary norm: female and male. Transsexual individuals suffer from intense family and social discrimination because they express a dissident sexuality incongruent with this norm. They assert they feel trapped in a body that… Read more »

UPDATE: Incriminating Photo Of Couple Arrested On Gay Cruise Surfaces

Different accounts have been reported of what Celebrity Summit passengers John Hart and Dennis Mayer were doing on their balcony when they were arrested by police on the island of Dominica. It’s also been debated how visible the men were to witnesses on the docks. An anonymous Queerty reader has sent us this image, allegedly… Read more »

Passengers on gay cruise say behavior of arrested men was ‘inappropriate’

Some were standing on dock on Dominica and saw locals pointing at naked couple Several passengers who were on a gay cruise last week say two men charged with indecent exposure were naked in their balcony engaging in ‘inappropriate’ behavior in full view of locals after the ship had pulled into port in the Caribbean… Read more »

US man arrested on gay Caribbean cruise says he and partner taunted, humiliated in Dominica

San Juam, Puerto Rico — A Southern Californian said Friday that he and his partner were taunted, humiliated and subjected to inhumane treatment when they were arrested and jailed after being escorted off a gay cruise in the Caribbean this week. Dennis Jay Mayer, 53, told The Associated Press that he has no doubt they… Read more »

Caribbean Gay Cruise Passengers Plead Guilty To Indecent Exposure

Roseau, Dominica — Two Southern California men pleaded guilty on Thursday to indecent exposure in Dominica after they were arrested during a stop on a gay cruise of the Caribbean. John Robert Hart, 41, and Dennis Jay Mayer, 43, of Palm Springs, apologized in court and said they  regretted their actions. Police said they were… Read more »

Men who have sex with men participate in study

Some 20 men living in Dominica have so far participated in an ongoing study about men who have sex with men (MSM). The study, the first of its kind in the Caribbean, is being done by the Caribbean Men’s Internet Survey (CARIMIS). The agency describes it as a first attempt to gather information through the… Read more »

Compulsory education on homosexuality on islands

Thr Hague – Schools in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will have to facilitate sexual diversity classes in the near future to create a greater acceptance of homosexuality. Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science Marja van Bijsterveldt-Vliegenthart recently sent a General Measure of Government (Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur) to the Council of State for… Read more »

Caribbean plans regional approach to abolish gay laws

Caribbean countries, faced with potential political and religious fall-out, plan to take a regional approach in scrapping laws against buggery and prostitution by 2015, according to a senior United Nations (UN) official. Most of the former British colonies that are Caricom member-nations have been coming under increasing international pressure to abolish those laws that also… Read more »

The U.S. Government Concerned about the LGBT movement in Cuba

Havana will host from 23 to 26 January next the Sixth Congress of Sexology, in its usual venue of the Conference Center, under the slogan “Sex education in the processes of social transformation.” About this event and educational work which for decades has conducted the National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX), Mariela Castro Espin, director… Read more »

Huffington Post says avoid Barbados… if you’re gay or lesbian

Huffington Post: Anti-gay laws a legacy of “outdated British colonial laws” Barbados’ criminalization of buggery continues to attract attention in human rights and tourism discussions. In 2010 Ethical Traveller Awards slammed Barbados for our anti-gay love law, and in 2011 Britain and the USA both criticized our country over this issue. Should buggery be illegal… Read more »

Cuba may legalise same-sex civil unions this year

Cuba’s first daughter, Mariela Castro, said the country’s lawmakers will consider legalising same-sex civil unions this year. Mariela Castor, daughter of President, Raul Castro and the director of the National Sex Education Centre told Cuba Si that the Cuban Justice Minister (Maria Esther Reus) announced that “… it is going to be discussed in the… Read more »

Dealing with the gay rights issue

People’s National Party (PNP) strategists must still be sighing with relief that there was no obvious backlash to Mrs Portia Simpson Miller’s affirmation in the pre-election debate that Jamaica’s buggery law needs to be reviewed. We say ‘no obvious backlash’ because as we all know the PNP won the election by a 2-1 seat majority.… Read more »

Jamaican gay activist marries ‘soulmate’

Western Bureau – One of Jamaica’s leading gay activists, Maurice Tomlinson, says he may be forced to flee the country following media reports about his marriage to a male police-officer-cum pastor in Toronto, Canada, recently. Tomlinson, a lawyer, married his ‘soulmate’ in August last year in a ceremony in the ethno-rich capital city. However, the… Read more »

Hope for gays as PNP wins Jamaica election

People’s National Party wins landslide victory, leader has spoken in favour of gay rights, JLP homophobes beaten Jamaica’s opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has won a landslide victory in the national election yesterday. The victory brings hope for Jamaica’s LGBT population after PNP leader Portia Simpson-Miller spoke out in favour of gay rights. Officials said… Read more »

Jamaica activist criticizes anti-gay rhetoric by gov’t candidates in leadup to tight elections

Kingston, Jamaica — The leader of Jamaica’s sole gay rights group said Tuesday that some ruling-party candidates have aggressively played to anti-gay constituents by resorting to homophobic rhetoric in the final days of the campaign for this week’s national elections. Dane Lewis, executive director of the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays, said Jamaica… Read more »

Online study probes issues in the MSM community

St John’s, Antigua – How do men who have sex with men (MSM) fare in Antigua & Barbuda? A new online survey conducted by UNAIDS seeks to find out. Carimis, the Caribbean Men’s Internet Survey, is underway now in the English, French, Spanish and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. The anonymous study will shed light on issues that… Read more »

‘Visionary’ Jamaican rights activist announced as recipient of inaugural David Kato Award

Global award honouring murdered human rights activist to be presented to Jamaican lawyer, Maurice Tomlinson in London David Kato, the human rights activist murdered in his home in Kampala, Uganda on 26 January 2011, is representative of the millions of individuals worldwide who daily struggle against hostility and persecution simply because of their sexuality. Inspired… Read more »

Puerto Rico Hate Crime Law Would Exclude LGBTs Despite High Number Of Gay Murders

Two years ago, on a desolate street in central Puerto Rico, a gay 19-year-old named Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado was savagely killed: decapitated, dismembered, and burned. As of last month, his murder had still not been investigated as a hate crime — a fact LGBT activists say reflects the failure of Puerto Rico’s justice system… Read more »

J-FLAG Celebrates 13 Years of Promoting Tolerance for Gays

Kingston – Jamaica has come a long way in promoting respect and tolerance for the human rights of Jamaicans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) but much more needs to be done to make Jamaica a cohesive and just society where everyone can live, work and raise their family. J-FLAG was launched on… Read more »

Gay laws an obstacle

Barbados’ Newest Knight Sir Errol Walrond says the time has come for Government to end the discrimination against men who prefer to have sex with men and women who have sex with women. Citing homophobia, stigma and discrimination as major obstacles still standing in the way of combatting the AIDS epidemic, Sir Errol, who was… Read more »

Video: How Homophobia Fuels HIV in Jamaica

How Homophobia Fuels HIV in Jamaica – Video

We’re Winning: Asylum

Because of your generous support of Immigration Equality’s legal services, Jada’s life has changed forever. Jada, who was born in Grenada, turned to our legal team for help after fleeing unspeakable persecution in her home country, and even at the hands of her own family. As a young child, her uncle attacked and sexually abused… Read more »

Free representation for persons facing discrimination

Nassau, Bahamas — Gay men, sex workers and HIV-positive persons will be among Caribbean nationals who will qualify for free legal representation under the newly established Caribbean Social Justice Coalition, if they believe they are being discriminated against. Already the foundation of the international apparel company Levi Strauss Company has stepped forward to become the… Read more »

Caribbean could see reduced UK aid over anti-gay laws

(Jamaica Gleaner) Jamaica and several other Commonwealth nations that maintain anti-gay legislation could be affected by reduced financial support from Britain. British prime minister, David Cameron has threatened to withhold British aid from governments that do not reform legislation banning homosexuality. The BBC reports that the British prime minister raised the issue with some of… Read more »

Antigua & Barbuda: UN Representatives Urge End To Anti-buggery Law

St John’s, Antigua(Antigua Observer) – A number of representatives at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, yesterday recommended that Antigua & Barbuda do away with its anti-buggery law. The recommendations came following Attorney General Justin Simon’s presentation of the country’s human rights policies. As expected, there were several questions and recommendations raised with… Read more »

Today’s Opinion: “Gay marketing”

St. Maarten hangs on to the idea that its economy will grow by 1.3 percent this year, while a solid projection by the respected Central Bank does not get past 0.3 percent. That explains the hole in the budget. Yesterday the parliamentary committee for tourism gave an audience to the United Ministerial Foundation. The church… Read more »

Friends Say Photographer’s Murder Was a Hate Crime

The gay community has sent condolences to the family of Shavado Simmons (left) who was murdered execution-style on July 17, 2011 in what his friends say was a hate crime. Police are also looking at the possibility that the slaying of the 20-year-old photographer and model was a hate crime after receiving several tips. But… Read more »

Gay Dominica News & Reports

1 Gay in Dominica willing to go public if proper policies are in place 7/11 2 Homosexuality laws in Dominica impractical 7/11 3 A 30 minute Documentary on MSM 10/11 July 6th, 2011 – Dominica News Online 1 Gay in Dominica willing to go public if proper policies are in place Timothy Jack (not his… Read more »

In Grenada, arrests for homosexuality – and public denials of homosexuality

Police on the Caribbean island of Grenada have arrested a man for gay sex in the same week that a group of men are front-page news denying they’re gay. A 41-year-old man was charged with having sex with an unidentified 17-year-old man, Grenada’s director of public prosecution, Christopher Nelson, said 25 May. 21 May three… Read more »

I was Gay and Closeted in Martinique in 1970; Now, in 2011 on a Caribbean cruise, I’m openly gay in St Lucia and I’m meeting “my counterpart.”

Part I – Some of the highlights of our nine-day vacation to the Caribbean Last week, Jose and I returned from a nine day vacation in the Caribbean. For six days and seven nights we sailed the Caribbean Sea, visiting islands, on board Carnival Victory. We had a stateroom with a balcony. Our trip originated… Read more »

Antiguan dignitary criticises government’s LGBT rights stand

Source: Antigua Observer – Human Rights Activist Sir Clare Roberts has told [the Antigua & Barbuda] government it should have taken the lead in the local fight to reduce stigma and discrimination against persons of a different sexual orientation by signing a recent United Nations statement on Gay Rights. “Government has to set the trend.… Read more »

Gay Trinidad & Tobago News & Reports 2011

1 Trini gays call for equal rights 2/11 2 Local gays cry discrimination 3/11 3 Cenac: Separate morality from public duty 3/11 4 Homophobia, society effects and way forward 6/11 5 Homophobia ‘rife in T&T’…but local gays press for equal rights 6/11 6 Privacy rights for sexual orientation calmly take a small step forward 6/11… Read more »

St Lucia braces for gay attack

Castries, St Lucia (CMC) – As St Lucia braces for the possible fallout from an attack on three gay men from the United States as they showered together in a cottage in the west coast town of Soufriere, tourism officials are this week arranging meetings with the visitors to do some damage control. “One of… Read more »

Being gay in St Lucia

Castries, St Lucia – Joan Didier is considered a foremost expert on marginalized populations. She works extensively with groups such as men who have sex with men (MSMs) in St. Lucia, advocating on their behalf and fighting to get what she says is their basic human right to “live and love as they want” without… Read more »

Gay Haiti News & Reports 2011

Also see: Caribbean Anti Violence Project 1 Organizaciones LGBT brindan su ayuda a las víctimas del terremoto de Haití 1/11 2 The Rainbow World Fund Continues Its Work in Haiti 1/11 3 Needs of LGBT Haitians Largely Ignored in Post-quake Recovery Efforts 3/11 4 Update: UN Official Pledges Support to LGBT & HIV-Positive People 9/11… Read more »

Stand Up For Human Rights

The United Nations General Assembly voted on December 22 to restore the reference to sexual orientation in a resolution condemning extra-judicial, summary and arbitrary executions. As Caricom citizens, we are proud that a majority of Caribbean nations stood up in the United Nations General Assembly on December 22 and voted together, in the words of… Read more »

Stirrings of a new LGBT movement

Anthony Morris and Judea Beatrice, study abroad students in Trinidad and Tobago, report on two LGBT rights protests and the potential beginnings of a new movement. When We got to Trinidad and Tobago, we immediately noticed the ubiquitous culture of homophobia. Hanging out with about 10 students, nobody questions the student who conversationally remarks, “I… Read more »