



Gay France News and Reports 2009-11

1 French government minister confirms he is gay 1/09 2 French Senate votes to recognise British civil partnerships 3/09 3 National Assembly approves recognising foreign civil partnerships 4/09 4 International Congress on Gay Rights in France Will Mark IDAHO 2009 5/09 5 Beyond Hatred 6/09 6 Gay Entertainment Report: ‘Single Man’ Leads Queer Lion 8/09… Read more »

Gay European-Union News & Reports 2007-08

Combating sexual orientation discrimination December 23, 2004 European Group of Experts reviews legislative measures taken by the Member States of the European Union to combat sexual orientation discrimination Book URL for Lesbians in Christian church in Europe EGAT – European Aids Treatment Group 1 Europarliament Lurches Right 1/07 2 Moldovan Gay Pride… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Northern Ireland News and Reports 2007-08

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) 1 Firms in North face new gay discrimination laws 1/07 2 Gay groups welcome Lords decision 1/07 3 Transgender summit a first for Ireland 2/07 4 Ireland delays gay partnership bill 2/07… Read more »

Gay Holland News & Reports 2008-10

1 Princess to attend gay meeting and discuss prejudice 2/08 2 Dutch stand up for gays at UN Human Rights council 3/08 3 Gay Marriage Costs Him Citizenship 5/08 4 Gay Couple in Netherlands Helps Raise 100 Children 5/08 5 Muslim gang attacks gay catwalk model 6/08 6 Dutch gala raises 800,000 Euros for HIV/Aids… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Northern Ireland News and Reports 2007-08

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) 1 Firms in North face new gay discrimination laws 1/07 2 Gay groups welcome Lords decision 1/07 3 Transgender summit a first for Ireland 2/07 4 Ireland delays gay partnership bill 2/07… Read more »

Gay Belarus News & Reports 2009-10

1 Gay journalist called up for military service in Belarus 1/09 2 Belarusian activist saved from army conscription 1/09 3 European LGBT youth against the Belarus dictatorship! Join us! 3/09 4 Month Against Homophobia in Belarus, April 17 – May 17, 2009 4/09 5 No Visible Gays Wanted at Chernobyl Remembrance March 4/09 6 Torture… Read more »

Gay Sweden News & Reports 2010

1 Group: Sweden is Europe’s gay-friendliest country 6/10 2 Tens of thousands march in Sweden Gay Pride 7/10 3 Scandinavian airline to hold first mid-air gay wedding 9/10 4 ‘Transphobic’ attack at trans conference in Sweden 10/10 03-June-2010 – GLT 1 Group: Sweden is Europe’s gay-friendliest country by Rex Wockner ILGA-Europe — the European Region… Read more »

Gay Hungary News & Reports 2009-11

1 Is Hungary ready for same-sex unions? 4/09 2 Hungary introduces registered partnership for same-sex partners 4/09 3 “We Will Not Be Intimidated” 6/09 4 "Person of the Day" 9/09 5 2,000 march in Budapest Pride 9/09 6 Rioters rampage in Budapest’s Jewish district 9/09 7 Out of the Closet and Into the Streets (Sort… Read more »

Gay Latvia News & Reports 2009-11

1 Riga bans Baltic Pride 5/09 2 Former Latvian priest: ‘Since coming to London I’ve forgotten I am gay’ 4/11 3 Inside Latvia’s Gay Rights Battle 7/11 May 14, 2009 – PinkNews 1 Riga bans Baltic Pride by Staff Writer, The planned Baltic Pride march due to take place on Saturday in Riga, Latvia,… Read more »

Moldova News & Reports 2009-11

1 Moldova Pride 2009 5/09 2 Ensuring freedom of assembly for LGBT people in Moldova and Ukraine 4/10 3 A gay committed suicide after talking to police 12/10 4 Rights Defender Condemns Visit By U.S. Antigay Activist 3/11 5 Homophobe Scott Lively Advocates for Anti-gay Legislation 3/11 6 Папа Римский и президенты США и Ирана… Read more »

Gay France News and Reports 2006-08

1 France Rules Both Members of Gay Couple Exercise Parental Authority 2/06 2 Second Toulouse Gay Pride 5/06 3 Ground-breaking gay mayor Andre Labarrere dies 5/06 4 French Communists breaks with Russians over Moscow’s Gay Pride Ban 6/06 5 French court drops high-profile case of attack on gay man 9/06 6 French court blocks lesbian… Read more »

Gay Holland News & Reports 2006-07

1 Dutch official moves to deport gay Iranians 3/06 2 Muslims and Gays play soccer to fight prejudice 3/06 2a Five years of gay marriage 3/06 3 Dutch Suspend Deportation of Iranian Gays & Christians 4/06 4 Iran calls upon Islamic countries to block second part of the film ‘Submission’ 4/06 5 Mayor of Amsterdam… Read more »

Gay European-Union News & Reports 2000-06

Combating sexual orientation discrimination December 23, 2004 European Group of Experts reviews legislative measures taken by the Member States of the European Union to combat sexual orientation discrimination Book URL for Lesbians in Christian church in Europe EGAT – European Aids Treatment Group 0 Actual appearance of the 600 Euro Bill 1… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Northern Ireland News and Reports 2005-06

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) 1 It’s the Rainbow’s end, fear gay campaigners 4/05 2 Launch of ‘Alternative Parents Ireland’ 5/05 3 Irish President slams homophobic bullying 6/05 4 Tensions rise over Belfast Pride 7/05 5 Northern… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Northern Ireland News and Reports 2005-06

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) 1 It’s the Rainbow’s end, fear gay campaigners 4/05 2 Launch of ‘Alternative Parents Ireland’ 5/05 3 Irish President slams homophobic bullying 6/05 4 Tensions rise over Belfast Pride 7/05 5 Northern… Read more »

Gay Belarus News & Reports 2007-08

1 The First historic meeting of Belarusian LGBT leaders 2/07 2 Hate Crimes Against Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People in Belarus 2/07 3 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 3/07 4 2007 Information Center TEMA and organize a vote 3/07 4a Voting of Belarusian youth on LGBT issue 3/07 5 United Nations Appeal concerning… Read more »

Gay Latvia News & Reports 2007-08

1 Latvian Homophobes Getting Fired Up – Fire Off Manifesto Against Gays 2/07 2 Latvian conservatives begin Pride backlash 3/07 3 Riga Pride attacker to be prosecuted 4/07 4 Riga mortis- going gay in Latvia 4/07 5 No Pride? Gay Latvia bites back 4/07 6 Cardinal Warns "Gay" Pride Parade 5/07 7 Riga Pride gets more… Read more »

Gay Sweden News & Reports 2008-09

1 Swedes supportive of gay marriage 1/08 2 Infections up 20% in Sweden 2/08 3 High court to rule on gay marriage dispute 5/08 4 Swedes donate 5,000 euros to Warsaw Pride 5/08 5 Sober gays will gather at EuroPride 6/08 6 Stockholm gets ready for EuroPride 7/08 7 Stockholm police confirm stabbing of gay… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Gay Northern Ireland News and Reports 2003-04

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) 1 Northern Ireland: Gays are urged to report all attacks 1/03 2 New Code To Protect Gay Students 1/03 3 Leggy Leslie plans to reign on gay parade 3/03 4 Gays and… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Gay Northern Ireland News and Reports 2003-04

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) 1 Northern Ireland: Gays are urged to report all attacks 1/03 2 New Code To Protect Gay Students 1/03 3 Leggy Leslie plans to reign on gay parade 3/03 4 Gays and… Read more »

Gay Ireland and Gay Northern Ireland News & Reports 2000-02

Dublin: ‘Lesbians Organizing Together’ drop-in centre where gay people can report homophobic crimes 5 Capel St (Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm; tel 872 7770) (Lengthy Interview with Irish Gay Activist Brendan Fay 1995) 1 Venue crisis for Pride events in Waterford 8/00 2 Positive reaction to Irish Gay Documentary 8/00 3 New Irish Law Bans Discrimination… Read more »

Gay Italy News & Reports (Including Vatican) 2010-11

1 Film Documenting Homophobia in Italy Set for London Screening 4/10 2 “Every Kiss is a Revolution” as Gays Await Legal Rights 6/10 3 Italian Catholic priests ‘filmed having casual sex at gay clubs 7/10 4 Vicar of Rome to Gay Priests: Come Out and Get Out 7/10 5 Italy’s ‘summer of homophobia’ 8/10 6… Read more »

Gay Italy News & Reports (Including Vatican) 2008-09

1 Hadrian the gay emperor 1/08 2 Gay film festival to showcase Japanese queer cinema 2/08 3 Mob Ransacks Rome Gay Center 4/08 4 MEPs call for ‘quality’ EU commissioner from Italy 4/08 5 New Mayor calls Pride a "sexual exhibition" 5/08 6 Italian equal opportunities minister rejects ‘gay pride’ march 5/08 7 Italy gay… Read more »

Gay Italy News & Reports (Including Vatican) 2006-07

1 Italians clash on gay ‘marriage’ 1/06 2 Gay rights enter Italian election 2/06 3 David Volleyball Tournament 7/06 4 Vatican bans church service for gays, Italian gays protest 1/07 5 Italy Coalition Faces Challenge Over Gay Rights 1/07 6 Italy’s gays lay their hopes in same-sex unions bill 2/07 7 Italy approves ‘gay couples’… Read more »

Police, Protesters Clash at First-ever Lithuanian Gay March

Police fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius on Saturday, as homosexual rights campaigners held their first-ever rally in the Baltic state. Officers moved in to disperse around 2,000 counter demonstrators at the end of the Baltic Pride 2010 march, as they hurled stones, bottles and fire-crackers from behind security… Read more »

Gay Germany News & Reports 2010

1 Berlin – The Queer Capital 4/10 2 German court – gay man’s foreign marriage must is a partnership 6/10 2a Germany: Israelis, Iranians march together 7/10 3 Thousands celebrate Berlin’s gay pride parade 7/10 4 German government ‘ignoring gay youths’ needs,’ says Green MP 7/10 4a Cologne vies for title of Germany’s gayest city… Read more »

Gay Germany News & Reports 2007-09

1 German Boy Is Youngest Transsexual At 12 Years Old 1/07 2 From: YazBerlin 5/07 3 German Parliament Protests after Moscow Pride 6/07 4 Berlin memorial to persecuted gays 6/07 5 New documents reveal extent of Nazi persecution of gays 7/07 6 More Germans Respect Lesbian TV Host After Coming Out 11/07 7 Gay Nursing… Read more »

Gay Germany News & Reports 2003-06

1 German TV set to screen gay Blind Date 1/03 2 TheMusical Boys (Canadian) of Germany 3/03 3 Eastern gays seek Berlin refuge–including many Russians 5/03 4 Germany plans memorial to gay victims of Nazis 7/03 5 German gays condemn Vatican 8/03 6 Catholic parish pays up for cancelling gay wedding 8/03 7 Gay Nazi… Read more »

Gay Czech News & Reports 2010-11

Gay Czech web site Gay friendly travel service Other Czech LGBT links: Guide Magazine My Czech Republic Czech Gay Guide Prague Life Night Tours Partying In Gay Prague Sapphic Central…Prague 1 Prague’s Vital Gay Scene 4/10 2 Potential violence expected at Czech Pride 6/10 3 Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women concludes 10/10… Read more »

Gay Malta News & Reports 2010-11

1 A secret history of Malta 3/10 2 Major discrimination against LGBT still takes place in all spheres 4/10 3 Malta has poor record on gay rights 5/10 4 Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women concludes 10/10 5 Maltese trans man wins right to be recognised as male 3/11 6 Maltese LGBT community… Read more »

Gay backlash over Macedonia’s anti-discrimination law

(Skopje) – Macedonia’s new anti-discrimination law sparked controversy on Friday, as gay activists and the European Union criticised the bill for not including sexual orientation discrimination. The new law, adopted by a slim majority of 62 deputies in the 120-seat parliament late Thursday, is not in line with European standards, a representative of the EU… Read more »

Gay Austria News & Reports 2010

The leading LGBT organisation in Austria is  “Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien” (based in Vienna) which is also the oldest organisation in Austria. It has a bi-monthly magazine, its own premises, does most of the political lobbying work, organises the annual Rainbow Ball and the Rainbow Parade as well as the huge LGBT pride parade that… Read more »

Gay UK News & Reports 2010 Jan-Jul

1 Homeless gay Muslims flee marriages 1/10 2 Isle of Man to consider civil partnerships for gay couples 2/10 3 Gordon Brown promises gay people they ‘will not have to walk alone’ 2/10 4 Liverpool policeman James Parkes ties the knot 2/10 4a Gay Asians reveal racism problems 3/10 5 iPhone app created for gay… Read more »

Gay Ukraine News & Reports 2010-11

1 Ukrainian gays and lesbians talked about their achievements 1/10 2 Ensuring freedom of assembly for LGBT people in Moldova and Ukraine 4/10 3 Gay Forum of Ukraine 12/10 4 Ukrainian police illegally collecting a database on gays 12/10 5 Ukraine adopts sensational National Resolution on HIV/AIDS 12/10 6 Ukrainian Gay Activists will Present "Picture… Read more »

Gay UK News & Reports 2009

1 Victorian Moral Still Criminalizing Gay People 1/09 2 Britons ‘More Homophobic than Racist’ 1/09 3 Four banned from football grounds for homophobic chants 1/09 4 Elton John raises millions for AIDS foundation at Oscars party 2/09 5 Director receives death threats over documentary – gay Muslims 3/09 6 British Prime Minister declares Prop 8… Read more »

Gay Croatia News & Reports 2010-11

1 European Parliament says candidate countries must offer gays protection 2/10 2 Zagreb Pride Against Homophobia and Transphobia 5/10 3 ‘Croatia Can Accept It’ 5/10 4 Split Gay Pride Abandoned Amid Riots 5/11 5 Unsafe Gay Pride Event in Split Casts …6/11 5a A Refracted Rainbow 6/11 6 Police Protect Gay Pride Rallies Across Balkans… Read more »

Gay UK News & Reports 2008 Oct-Dec

1 Gay rights advocate to replace Mandelson in Brussels 10/08 2 Baron Mandelson under pressure not to take Brussels ‘golden goodbye’ 10/08 3 GMFA launches ‘Know your HIV status’ campaign 10/08 4 I won’t do it again, promises ‘gay wedding’ vicar 10/08 5 Gay MP injured in daytime attack by teen thugs 10/08 6 THT… Read more »

Gay UK News & Reports 2008 Jun-Sep

1 Gay basketball hero to be Olympic ambassador 6/08 2 Rainbow flag to fly over second British embassy 6/08 3 Gay youth to picnic in Soho Square 6/08 4 Another gay asylum seeker to be sent back to torture or death 6/08 5 Gay artists faces deportation after asylum claim is rejected 6/08 6 Anger… Read more »

Gay UK News & Reports 2008 Jan-May

1 Gay holocaust victims to be remembered in Westminster 1/08 2 Gay Asians ‘marrying to conform’ 2/08 3 Some People Are Gay. Get Over It! 2/08 4 Abbey body identified as gay lover of Edward II 2/08 5 Imperial War Museum appeals for LGBT experiences 2/08 6 House of Homosexual Culture reveals queer schedule 2/08… Read more »

Gay UK News & Reports 2007 Oct-Dec

1 Top prize for lesbian coming of age film 10/07 2 Government approves incitement to gay hate law 10/07 3 Muslims join Christian condemnation of gay protection law 10/07 4 York to host lesbian festival 10/07 5 Manchester Pride raises £95,000 for charity 10/07 6 Lack of funds may force group to return imperiled gay… Read more »